Networking No-No’s

Networking No-No’s

Lisa Stamatelos


I recently attended an HR meeting at an organization I have been a member of for a number of years.  There is always a good, relevant topic and I have never left without learning something valuable. There are old faces that I have gotten to know over the years and always some new members.  After the meeting a few of the newer members introduced themselves to me, we chatted briefly and exchanged business cards.  Within a few hours of returning to my office, I received “the hard sell” emails.  “Lisa, it was great meeting you.  Let’s get together so I can find out more about your business and ways I can help blah, blah, blah.” I politely responded thanking them for their emails stating I was set for now (with whatever their service is)  and looked forward to seeing them at future meetings.  That should have ended it.  But noooooooo, follow up emails were even more aggressive.  Unreal.  Later in the day, I heard from a colleague, who I suggested attend, that she too had received hard-sell emails.  She asked for my advice on how she should respond.  She took the ignore them route.  Folks, this is not the way to network and build your business. Get to know people.  Chat with them at meetings.  Connect and Social Media.  Maybe send an interesting article relating to the topic from the meeting we attended.  Establish yourself as a subject matter expert.  Build trust.  I do not usually jump in and do business with someone I just met. I believe most people feel the same.